
Hi, I’m Arthur Gilly, a Senior Manager at the Regeneron Genetics Center, in Tarrytown, New York. Previously, I worked as Head of Analytics at the Institute of Translational Genomics at Helmholtz Munich, Germany.

My current role focuses on productionizing scientific code into high quality R libraries. I also develop and maintain enterprise R Shiny applications. Previously, my research career focused on the genetic aetiology of complex traits. You can view my ORCID data, my ResearchGate profile, or look me up on PubMed.

Here you’ll find a bric-a-brac of some hobby activities and DIY projects, and the occasional work-related project (stuff I’m not really supposed to be working on).

I write the occasional non-technical long form article on my Medium blog In Good Measure.

This website was built on WSL2 and VSCode, and is based on a customised version of the Balzac for Jekyll theme written by Cole Townsend.