About me
I started out in mechanical engineering, then moved on to study applied math, statistics and computer science. I've been analysing large-scale datasets for the best part of a decade. Mostly genomics, but also financial, geographical and free text data.
The journey so far

Started working as Manager, Translational Bioinformatics
Regeneron Genetics Center, Tarrytown, NY, USA
November 2022Moved to New York, USA 🗽🚕🦅
November 2022Co-founder, Makerbox Lao
With a group of friends, I co-founded the first makerspace in Laos. Have a look at the article!
September 2021-January 2022
Moved to Laos
Vientiane, Lao PDR
While I was visiting my partner in Southeast Asia, the pandemic struck and the borders closed. I ended up staying in the country for three years, keeping my role but working remotely.
January 2020
I performed geographical information (GIS) analyses using R, in order to map the evolution of several types of biodiversity-critical habitats in an administrative region of the Republic of Congo.
April-June 2019📰Article (Bioinformatics)
Very low depth whole genome sequencing in complex trait association studies.
December 2018Started working as Head of Analytics
Institute of Translational Genomics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Munich, Germany
November 2018🎓
Completed my PhD
You can read my thesis, entitled Sequencing in Isolation: Next-generation sequencing studies in founder populations on the University's online repository. Good luck!
October 2018📰Article (Nature Communications)
Cohort-wide deep whole genome sequencing and the allelic architecture of complex traits..
November 2018🎧
Helped organise and run the 2nd Volos Summer School of Human Genetics
Volos, Greece
April-June 2018📰Article (Nature Communications)
Whole genome sequencing and imputation in isolated populations identify genetic associations with medically-relevant complex traits.
November 2017Student Consultant
Cambridge Consulting Network
Along with a group of 5 other students, I acted as a consultant for a healthcare charity. We developed models for the health economics and social return on investment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and produced a report and recommendations.
April-June 2017Helped organise and run the 1st Volos Summer School of Human Genetics
Volos, Greece
April-June 2017📰Article (Human Molecular Genetics)
Very low-depth sequencing in a founder population identifies a cardioprotective APOC3 signal missed by genome-wide imputation.
May 2016Started working as Principal Bioinformatician
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
Skills used: Python (pandas, plotly, bokeh, seaborn), R, bash (sed/awk), REST/JSON
June 2016
Ecohack Cambridge
UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK
Ecohack is a global hackathon organized by UNEP-WCMC, an environmental consulting charity linked to the UN. During the event, environmentalists, analysts and policy consultants meet to work on .
I designed the project website and built a prototype layered map in Umap.
Nov 2014📰Article (Nature Communications)
Genetic characterization of Greek population isolates reveals strong genetic drift at missense and trait-associated variants
Nov 2014Cambridge Big Biology Day
Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge, UK
The Big Biology Days are an initiative by the Society of Biology to bring together researchers from the life sciences and young students, as well as the broader public. The goal is to introduce children to the basic concepts of biology through play activities.
I animated the DNA sequencing, Sorting Algorithm and DNA alphabet activities.
October 2014📰Article (Briefings in Functional Genomics)
Using population isolates in genetic association studies.
Nov 2014Started working as Senior Bioinformatician / Statistical Geneticist
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
Skills used: Bash, Perl, C++ (boost libraries), Python (scipy libraries), R, Tableau
Statistics used: Logistic regression, PCA/MDS, Linear Mixed Models, hypothesis testing, clustering (k-means), methods for sparse data (imputation)
August 2013Crossed the Channel to Cambridge, UK 🏡☔
August 2013Article (BMC Bioinformatics)
TE-Tracker: Systematic identification of transposition events through whole-genome resequencing
March 2013 View on publisher's websiteRan statistics courses at CEA/Genoscope
Topics covered: Introduction to statistics, estimation theory, hypothesis testing, regression models, (M)AN(C)OVA, model building.</br></br> Fortnightly 2-hour sessions and practicals using R.
Autumn/Winter 2012Started working as Research Engineer
CEA/Genoscope, Evry, Paris, France
Skills used: Bash, Perl, C++ (boost libraries)
Statistics used: clustering (single-linkage), supervised classification
January 2012Started working as R&D Engineer (short-term contract)
Misys Sophis, Paris, France
Skills used: C#
Statistics used: Monte-Carlo methods, Stochastic processes, derivatives valuation models
August 2011MSc in Applied Mathematics 🎓
Department of Mathematical Modelling, Image and Simulation, Grenoble INP-ENSIMAG, Grenoble, France
August 2011Started working as Junior Front Office Consultant (intern)
Misys Sophis, Hong Kong SAR, P.R. of China 🇭🇰
Skills used: C#, Excel, SQL
January 2011