Work stuff

    Work-related projects. Mostly revolving around genetics and/or data analysis.

    If you're looking for my "official" research work, please have a look at my ORCID data, my ResearchGate profile, or look me up on PubMed.

    Posts in this category:

  1. From zero to a scalable, container-friendly cloud-based SLURM cluster in an afternoon

    Become a HPC sysadmin using Terraform and Google Cloud Platform

  2. Deforestation in Borneo: a GIS case study

    Smooth animated maps and fast ways to calculate geographical distances in R.

  3. The semantic architecture of social unrest

    Text mining the Yellow Jacket forum database.

  4. Containerised servers for a bioinformatics research lab

    Deploying web-based services on a HPC server node.

  5. An update on CNVs and weekend science projects

    How a post on this website led to an article preprint

  6. Parsing BGEN files in C++

    Playing around with binary files and the zlib c++ libraries.

  7. Discovering copy number variants based on VCF files

    Reliably calling structural events in the genome based on commonly used SNP data formats is surprisingly easy.

  8. Towards a genetic study of aphantasia

    Exploring the prevalence of a mental phenotype through a citizen survey.