
Hi, I’m Arthur Gilly, Head of Analytics at the Institute of Translational Genomics, which is based at the Helmholtz Centre in Munich. Previously, I worked as a bioinformatician at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge.

My research focuses on the genetic architecture of complex traits through analysis of whole-genome DNA sequencing data. You can view my ORCID data, my ResearchGate profile, or look me up on PubMed.

Here you’ll find a bric-a-brac of some hobby activities and DIY projects, and the occasional work-related project (stuff I’m not really supposed to be working on).

I write the occasional non-technical long form article on my Medium blog In Good Measure.

This website was built using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, and is based on a customised version of the Balzac for Jekyll theme written by Cole Townsend.